Recent,The General Office of the People's Government of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government announced the award of higher education and teaching in general undergraduate universities,The teaching achievement project of Xi'an Foreign Affairs College "" Three -dimensional integration、Five Li Education "Innovation and Practice of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education 188bet app System of Universities" was awarded the second prize of Shaanxi Province Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award in 2021。This project is Huang Teng, President of Xi'an Foreign Affairs College,Secretary of the Party Committee Min Xiaoping,Yang Zaihua, Dean of the Entrepreneurship College of Xi'an Institute of Foreign Affairs、Deputy Dean Li Fengquan、Teacher Liu Xiansheng participated together。Dean Yang Zaihua, Dean of the School of Entrepreneurship, hosted this project。
This result focuses on cultivating "Excessive quality of innovation and entrepreneurs、Progressive talent,Follow the core concept of "Fishhua Dragon Entrepreneurship Theory",Forms a unique "One Two Three Five -Five" innovation and entrepreneurial education system、"Four years of 188bet online sports betting continuous line" "Shangchuang、Cultural and Creative、Medical Creation、Science and Technology Innovation、Haichuang Five Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Mode,Constructed "cultivation power、Resources、Service、Innovative power、Influence "" Three -dimensional fusion、Five Power Education "innovative, entrepreneurial education mode,Divide the entire process of talent training into inspiration and import education、Consolidation and Practical Education、Three progressive stages of promotion and expansion education,and formulate an 188bet mobile app android innovative and entrepreneurial education system with discipline professional characteristics and a clear and innovative and entrepreneurial training direction with disciplines,188bet casino review From "theoretical to practice"、From "entrepreneurship to employment" and other dimensions, gradually cultivate students' innovation and entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial employment ability,Forms a good synergy effect and innovate and entrepreneurial talent training ecosystem,greatly improved the achievement of the training goals of innovation and entrepreneurship talents。Xi'an Foreign Affairs College targets traditional university education to improve students' innovation awareness、Status of insufficient entrepreneurial spirit and the quality of entrepreneurial quality,Personalized education through the implementation of personalized education、Innovation experimental education and other measures,Created a new model of innovative and entrepreneurial talents with distinctive characteristics,Unique exploration and practice of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the country urgently needed。
In recent years,Xi'an Foreign Affairs College attaches great importance to innovation and entrepreneurial education,Focus on creating a distinctive innovation and entrepreneurial education system,Innovation teaching and research form、Strengthen teaching research、Establish a diversified high -level dual -creation team,Build full coverage、S three -dimensional dual -creation practice platform,Efforts to explore the new paradigm of dual -innovation talent training,Active contribution to the high -quality development of innovation and entrepreneurial education reform。